
Friday, October 10, 2008

Ugly Mug Award

Marlene at Sipiweske Quilt Designs  passed this award on to me.  Thanks Marlene!! Be sure to check out her blog! This award is meant to "honor any blogger who crafts, sews, quilts - you know, makes stuff - no matter how crappy (or how good). An interesting way to say - I like your blog, like your stuff, and I'm pretty sure you have a good sense of humor." 

This is the first award I've received!! I'm thrilled and can't wait to nominate three others for this award. First though, I'll show you my ugly mug - the one I use every morning for my coffee. Yes, its an insulated type mug that came from a gas starion probably 10 or more years ago. I love it because its my kinda color! Besides, I usually end up getting sidetracked and if I didn't use the insulated mug, I'd constantly be drinking cold coffee, which I don't mind either but thats another story.

Now, I would like to pass this Ugly Mug Award on to the people whose blogs I enjoy and who will, in turn, need to pass this on to 3 other people. The nominees are:

Tracy at Fiber Babble - Tracy has a wonderful sense of humor and I really enjoy her blog! She quilts, sews, knits, crochets and I'm sure there's more. When my blog grows up, I want it to be just like hers!

Sue at Featherstone Quiltworks - Sue must have a great sense of humor - check out the picture of her favorite her halloween costume!! She is also a wonderful and talented quilter as well as an amazing photographer.

Mary at Making Scrap Quilts From Stash- Mary is a very prolific quiltmaker and designs quilts as well. I wish I could finish one tenth of the quilts that she does!

If you are interested in the origins of this award, check out "The Bitchy Stitcher" blog.


  1. Edna, Thank you for your nomination! It's fun to know somebody reads what you've put out there, especially when it's a 20-year-old picture with witch's makeup on!

  2. I'm just getting back from Copenhagen and working my way through email since I can't seem to sleep - I think I'm too tired! Thanks for the award - now I'm ready to get back to work!


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