
Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Those blasted UFO's

I have whole totes full of them. I know this because I just found another container full of tops, all of which are completed except for borders. Most have the binding cut and stored with them. I guess I was organized better at some point! lol 

I did a google search and found a site called The UFO-RPHANAGE for Quilters that has ideas for finishing UFO's as well as other topics. A couple that made me giggle were:

         "A stalled project gets a "time out". The project gets put away in a drawer or closet for a prescribed amount of time (days, weeks, months) and then is allowed to come out for another attempt at progressing smoothly. 

Personally, I am really good at this one except that I didn't set a time limit other than "some other time"! That's how I accumulated so many UFO's! I'm thinking I need to go back and put some dates on things.

         "Start a new, small project (wall hanging, table runner or simple baby quilt), that can be finished in a couple of days. Just starting and finishing one project gets me inspired to finish some of the UFO's that have been sitting." 

This one was how I justified working on new projects... and added to my UFO's! Everyone finds different things that work for them.

Seriously, there are some very good ideas there such as:

  • Set a timer for 15 min and work on a UFO before going on to your current project
  • Choose not to finish the project as it was originally defined. Use the blocks to create something else (like a table runner or a tote) and put the extra fabric back into your stash.
  • Get together with a group of others for a day of finishing UFO's
  • Make a list of all UFO's to see if there is a pattern of when you stop working on a project.

The last one made me realize that I have a problem with borders....  I'm not sure why as most borders are not difficult. Perhaps its just having a small space to work in? 

OK - I am going back in there right now to sew the first borders onto my mystery quilt!


  1. LOL! Rah! Rah! You go! Get that border on, you can do it! Yaaaayyyyyyyy YOU!

    (How's that for encouragement?)

    We'll be watching for pictures!!! (How's that for pressure?)

  2. I feel your pain, seriously keeping up the momentum is key to finishing up a quilt top. Love the flying geese very much, it would be a shame to let them not be a part of a wonderful quilt top, right??

  3. I can't imagine putting all my UFO's on a list . . . it would be very disheartening. Love all the geese - they will work in eventually. I can't find your email address - I gave you an award!!??!?!? - Marlene

  4. I think UFOs multiply in the darkness of my closet. I think there are too many to list, but I'm trying to finish some old things up. It's just so much more fun to start something new! Thanks for sharing the good ideas about UFOs. I have pulled some out of the darkness, into the light of the sewing room. That seems to help me get some finishing done!

  5. I'm not real fond of borders either although I do use them. My favorite quilts however don't have borders - I love it when I'm done with a top when I finish assembling the blocks.

    Would any of those UFO's work without borders? One of my favorite ways to finish a UFO is to change my original plans, make it smaller, delete the borders, anything that gets it done!


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