
Thursday, October 16, 2008

What am I doing!

I haven't got back to working on my mystery quilt borders... actually, it's called "Late Summer Evening". This mystery came from a site called The Quilt and Needle. Here are all my borders waiting patiently for me on the design wall door of my sewing room. If you like mysteries, they are planning another mystery quilt weekend probably on December 6th and 7th. 

Ok, I can hear you saying "What the heck have you been doing??"

Well.. its not like I am sitting on my hands - I always seem to manage to find things to distract me! Like - this English Paper Pieceing mystery from CD Designs. This is done completely by hand and new steps are posted every Saturday. This photo is of step one. See all those pieces of paper? ALL of those will be used in making this project which will finish at about 26" around for a table topper. Those triangles look kinda little...

But wait.... that's not all! I also found the quilting forum at Garden Web. They are doing a monthly "Lotto" block which I thought would be fun to join. I finished two blocks that are now on their way to the host. There are many other interesting groups to find in the home forums. 

And then, of course, there are all those other wonderful blogs out there for me to discover like these I found this week:

My Quilting Porch

Thoughts from a disorganized quilter

My Yellow Farmhouse

So, thats my excuse(s) and I'm sticking to it! 

1 comment:

  1. Love the English paper block . I love sewing over papers. I find it relaxing.

    Love and hugs Gina xxx


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