
Saturday, November 17, 2012

Latest Projects

It's been a long while since I checked in here. My recovery from the accident has been slow. I had to have yet another operation on my right arm because, after 6 months, the bone had not yet 'joined' so I needed to have a bone graft. With each surgery, the incision gets longer and the plate gets larger. At least now, after this last surgery, I no longer am experiencing pain in it.

I have begun doing a bit of knitting and crochet - small things that don't weigh much. I have not been able to get back into doing any hand stitching yet because I'm not able to use the rotary cutter to prepare fabric. Besides, my sewing room has become a real mess again! It will take a few days work to put it all back in order.

Here's a couple of projects I've made - crochet slippers for my Granddaughter in Germany. She has already requested another two pair! If you want more information on these, please go to my Ravelry project page.

And, scarf for me!

Next, I am going to try knitting a Baby Surprise Jacket by Elizabeth Zimmerman for my little grandson.


  1. I'm so sorry that the accident has caused such problems :-(

    Hopefully now you will be on the mend for real and can get back to quilting and other things you've had to temporarily. You just say the word and I'll cut some fabric for you - playing with yarn is great in its own way, but it's not the same...

  2. you have had a rough ride with your arm, I do pray the latest op holds it in place and healing is complete.
    Good that you can now do some form of creativity, slippers look just the job with winter nearly here and the scarf looks very interesting, so many fancy yarns on the market now that give such wonderful effects.

  3. So sorry for the accident you had! I just found your blog by looking for your your triangular thread catcher tutorial. Praying for your recovery.

  4. Bless your heart! Just found your website through the adorable little thread catcher. I hope by now you are even further along in your recovery. Good wishes to you and thank you for the time you have put into all these links. It's just wonderful!


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