
Sunday, October 31, 2010

It's Another Sunday Update!!

I know, I know... Its been a LONG time! No excuses, just life! At present, I am playing nurse, chauffeur, cook and house keeper to family members who needed help after surgery. All of that doesn't leave too much extra time. I did manage to take a walk the other night and capture the photo above.
I have been mostly working on my hand projects. For the Joseph's Coat applique quilt, I cut out the remainder of the background squares then made up groups of 'melons' for each so that I don't end up with duplicates in one block. I have completed 26 blocks to date and continue to work on them whenever I get a chance in the evenings.

I have also done a few more pieces for my 'Many Stars' EPP project using 60 degree diamonds. That one continues to be a slow work in progress.

STASH REPORT for Week 43 
Used fabric for a few more melons needed for the Joseph's Coat and I cut 20 more background pieces.

Used this week: 1.9 M
Used Year to Date: 37.06 M
Added this week: 0 M
Added Year to Date: 26.72 M
Net used for 2010: 10.34 M

Be sure to check Judy's blog to see all the other stash reports this week!


  1. You're Joseph's Coat quilt is just going to be gorgeous!

  2. That quilt is going to be beautiful! I can't wait to see it done.

  3. Your Joseph's Coat blocks are beautiful.

  4. your joseph's coat sure is coming along nicely! i can't wait to see it all done. (that way i can live vicariously through your quilting instead of having to make one myself!)

  5. I found your blog on the Slow Poke Quilters page. LOVE the Joseph's Coat. I'm new to applique but I'm going to check out the link on your sidebar. I also like your diamond stars and your granddaughter's quilt is really cute.

  6. Oh my... I know what it is like nursing family and such... makes for not much time for yourself...

    Your Joseph's Coat blocks are looking wonderful!!!

    Hope all is well with you during this busy time of year too yet...

  7. Hey Edna!
    It has been a while since You've posted... I hope everything is OK in your little patch of the world...
    I just popped in to see if you were interested in joining in on my PhD Challenge again... It is way bigger than last time! 58 quilters so far!!!
    Take care, God bless...


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