
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Lost & Still Not Found

Since I have never showed this project, I'm presenting it today. This was a kit I purchased a few years back and finished all the hand appliqué and stitching on it in about July of 2008. It seems now though, I have misplaced it somewhere plus I couldn't find the finished picture either. This next one shows the appliqué partially done...
I'm going to have to go digging in some boxes downstairs to see if its down there somewhere! Hmmm, maybe I'll find the other missing pillow too. Does anyone else loose stuff like I do??

Hope everyone is having a great Sunday and a wonderful summer. I don't have much to update on the stash today. The past week has been a total wash as far as getting any quilting done. It's just been too hot!

STASH REPORT for Week #29
Used this week: 0 M
Used Year to Date: 19.86M
Added this week: 0 M
Added Year to Date: 17.07M
Net used for 2010: 2.79M

Check all the stash reports on Judy's blog.


  1. Your project looks beautiful.
    Good luck finding your missing projects! How annoying!
    Summer isn't really the time to be working indoors - we have all winter for that!
    Enjoy your summer!!!♥

  2. What a lovely block! Oh my gosh you can't find it!!! I see this was posted in July... I hope you found it by now... 8-)

  3. oh yeah, I lose stuff all the time. Usually it reappears shortly after I purchase a replacement. Obviously you can't really do that with a quilt top, but I'm sure you'll find it again someday!


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