
Sunday, March 21, 2010

The hurrier I go, the behinder I get....

Can't believe its Sunday already! Where did the week go??
For the Friday Night Sew-In, I didn't work on what I had originally planned. (More on the ongoing saga of the my Pink & Yellow "Disaster" quilt later..) 

I decided to spend my evening working on the pieces for my Joseph's Coat. I spent a couple hours creating more freezer paper shapes and pressing them on to fabrics. The rest of the evening was spent cutting them out.
I did manage to get about a dozen melons ready to applique. (Pardon the picture... its hard to take pictures when both hands are doing something else. At least my bust shelf is useful as a tripod...) I also spent Saturday evening in front of the tv with the pressing board on my lap getting more melons ready.
I will still have a few more evenings of work to finish preparing the rest of the melons that I need. I thought that, since this is the most tedious part of the project for me, I would get it ALL done so I can just get on with doing what I enjoy, the applique.

All of the fabric I used this week was for the Joseph's Coat project (melons and background).

Used this week:          2.25 M
Used Year to Date:   16.25 M
Added this week:             0 M
Added Year to Date:    7.9 M
Net used for 2010:      8.35 M

Be sure to check out how everyone else has done this week with their stash use on Judy's blog.


  1. Good for you to get all the tedious stuff out of the way first! What a job! ♥

  2. I can't wait to see it all completed.

  3. looks like a very pretty block, love the fabrics chosen in the pic.

  4. great fabrics you are using - that is going to be a lot of applique - can't wait to see the finished quilt.


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