
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Two blocks for Joseph's Coat

An update on my slow progress on my Joseph's Coat blocks. I have only completed two blocks so far. The first I did using the instructions as written by Kellie at Don't Look Now using glue stick to prepare the appliqué shapes. I think that perhaps my glue stick was old as it did not stick well. I found a newer one but I have found that the glue is still a bit sticky even after more than a week.

Since I was not able to find a local supplier of the Floriani Stitch and Wash Fusible nor a reasonably priced mail order source to Canada, I have had to resort to using freezer paper which I have in abundance. I decided to experiment with spray starch for prepping the shapes and found I liked it a bit better. I am able to get nice sharp points without any trouble.

Using freezer paper means that it must be removed at some point. I am stitching down one side of the 'petals' in the center of the block then removing the paper just prior to stitching the second side down. I took them out of the outer edge petals on the first block after stitching down the one side but soon discovered that they should be left in until after the blocks are joined as the outer edges have not stayed turned under. I was trying to make the block look nice to photograph and when I hit it with the iron, all those edges kinda got messed up. As a result of this lesson, the block on the left may not make the final cut unless I am able to do needle-turn on those edges. That will be determined when we get the block joining instructions.

Happy stitching!!


  1. I was unable to find that stitch and wash too so I'm using my method of freezer paper appllique. It sounds like you have the problem conquored but you might want to look at my method. It's on my blog, button on side bar marked applique. Good luck.

  2. Nice job on your blocks, 2 down how many to go?

  3. Hi Edna, when making the melon shapes I use the starch method..shown on my pattern blog...Warm Regards Lyn

  4. This is one of my most favorite patterns.

    You are doing an awesome job.
    It will be a wonderful finish one day.

    Cindy Carter
    Quilt Patterns from Seattle


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