
Thursday, April 9, 2009

A Rant on Unfair Employment Practices

You may (or may not) have wondered what happened to me, where I have been for the past weeks since my last post. I had accepted a job that was supposed to be part-time but turned out to be full-time and more in the scope of work that was expected of me.

The only problem was, I was on salary and was only paid for the time stated in the original agreement at part-time wages even though these people told me verbally that I would be paid extra for the first few months to get things caught up and back on track. I was putting in 8 hours or more monday thru friday, worked thru numerous weekends as well and never saw any extra for my trouble.  I was earning substantially less than minimum wage. In the month of March, I worked 187 hours that I reported to the company. I had to submit a daily work log stating what I had done and the number of hours I worked. They knew exactly the time I put in. 

There still seem to be those unscrupulous people around who will take advantage of others without loosing any sleep at night over it and rubbing their hands together all the way to the bank with the money they ripped off of you. 

Above all, I dispise being used. I am thankful that I am no longer working there although there are tenants there who befriended me that I will miss. Many have called to express their disbelief at what has transpired. 

I do believe in Karma - and their turn will come. Am I bitter? Yes, but I will get over it and remember well the lesson learned. 


  1. Actually I was just thinking about you the other day ... i wondered what you were up to!

    Glad to hear that you are out of it .. can you take them to the labour board? small claims?? is the part about the extra in writing??

    hope it works out well .. well is has as you aren't there anymore


    gracequilts @ gmail . com

  2. I completely understand how you feel. I was working and helping a medical office start up. I too was on salary and for all of the extra time I put in (not to mention that I was expected to cover for nurses, pay bills, summarize the weekly accounting sheets for the accountant. Go figger! And to top that all off I was typing for 2 doctors that magically turned into 8 doctors.) I did quit at the 4 month mark, lost hours of pay, and now there are 10 people who are now employed in my position.

    No one is willing to keep their word on anything. I was lucky to leave before the labour board showed up and had to review the clinic.

    I am glad that you are now no longer stressed.

    And think of it this way, you showed them what real work standards are.

    Hugs from me too


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