
Sunday, April 20, 2008


Nothing is ever certain in life, it seems. I was settling in to life in Chilliwack even though the space in which we were living was somewhat cramped. Spring had arrived. I was certainly enjoying seeing all the cherry trees bursting into bloom and the weeping willow trees adorned in their spring green along the avenues. The changes in the housing market everywhere has caused a "rethink" of our current situation.

With my house in Alberta not selling in the 5 months that it was on the market, we made the difficult choice of leaving the lower mainland of British Columbia and returning to Medicine Hat, Alberta. Our timing to travel pulling our 27' trailer worked out quite well as, shortly after we arrived back in "The Hat", all of western Canada was hit with a huge winter blizzard depositing large amounts of snowfall in a relatively short time. Perhaps The Creator felt that I needed to experience a bit of winter in order to remind me that I have quilts to be completed!

The plan now is to complete some renovations, reduce what has been in storage and to do a lot of painting in the house. We have already managed to clean out and rearrange much of what was stored in the garage... something that probably should have been done before the house was ever listed. Need any yarn???
The list of all there is to do is long and will require time. Our hope is that, once the work is completed on the house, it will become a more attractive prospect to buyers. Hopefully, the market will also recover by the time we are ready to relist.

1 comment:

  1. If it makes you feel better, I'm not overly impressed with this weather either! who knew we would get this much snow!?


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